Replica Movie Props

Saturday, January 10, 2009

R2 Building begins. At least blogging it begins.

I guess I should start with the perfect cliché: A long, long time ago... in 2002. I bought an aspects dome and realized I was way in over my head.

Nearly 7 years later, I think I am ready. I am starting with that same aspects dome I bought back then. I am currently waiting on dome electronics, the PVC body tube I wanted, styrene skins, and the first round of resin parts to arrive.

In the mean time, I picked up a good router and also built my first vacuum forming box. Instead of painting the blue panels on the dome, I am trying out an idea of forming thin styrene over the dome and cutting out the panels from that I'll then paint them and attach them. That is, if my idea pans out.

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